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Ector County

Driving in Ector County

There are about 134,927 registered commercial and private vehicles driving in Ector County’s roadways. This number makes up roughly 0.58% of all the registered vehicles in the state of Texas.

Around 81% of adults in Ector County drive to work by themselves, and more than 1 in 5 of those commutes last for over 30 minutes of a minimum 5 days a week.

Approximately 20% of the Texas drivers are still uninsured, so there could be about 27,000 uninsured and underinsured vehicles in Ector County alone.

Auto insurance in Texas acts as a proof of financial responsibility, and driving without it is considered illegal.

Auto Insurance Analysis:

  1. Over a hundred thousand vehicles registered in Ector County need coverage in auto insurance. The appropriate auto insurance for a specific vehicle depends on its type and the purpose it serves. The available types of auto insurance include: Commercial Auto, Private Auto, Commercial Inland Marine, Auto Liability, etc.

  2. About 81% of the residents in Ector County commute alone, which leads to an increase in road traffic. More vehicles on the road result in a higher likelihood of a vehicular collision. So, premium prices tend to inflate due to risk.

  3. 3 out of 10 commuters in Ector County spend over 30 minutes driving daily. The longer daily commutes will increase the cost of auto premiums because the more time spent on the road, the greater the chances of a possible car accident.

  4. Every year, Texans spend a staggering $900 million to pay for Uninsured and Underinsured Auto Coverages. The Uninsured Auto Coverage becomes increasingly important as 1 in 5 of the drivers in Texas are still uninsured.

For assistance and advice regarding auto insurance in Ector County contact a Property & Casualty (P&C) insurance agent licensed in the state of Texas.

Ector County Housing

More than half of Ector County’s approximately 62,402 housing units are occupied by Homeowners. Roughly 65% of the housing units in Ector County are Homeowner-occupied, compared to the Texas average of closer to 62%. Ector County has the highest rate of renters among its immediate neighbors. All of its neighboring counties are largely homeowner-occupied as well, with Crane County leading with a Home ownership rate of about 85%, and Midland County (67% owner-occupied) coming in second after Ector County, with renters to owner ratio of 1-to-2.

Severe problems in housing affect 16% of the households in Ector County. The most common housing problems include: high housing costs, plumbing issues, overcrowding, poor kitchen conditions, etc.

Housing Insurance Analysis:

  1. Over 62,000 housing units in Ector County need coverage in housing insurance. So property owners are advised to secure a Homeowner’s insurance (Homeowners or Condo) in order to protect their property against loss or damage.

  2. An estimated 22,000 of the housing units in Ector County are occupied by tenants or listed as rentals, therefore a Landlord Insurance becomes increasingly important. Property owners are encouraged to get a Landlord Insurance to protect themselves and their property from possible liability issues.

  3. Tenants are also generally advised to obtain the Renters Insurance coverage, which serves as a protection to their belongings against damage and loss. Additionally, the Renters Insurance also covers the property from damages caused by third-party factors such as water, fire, smoke, vandalism, and theft. Furthermore, the landlord may also require renters insurance as a condition for lease.

For assistance and advice regarding housing insurance in Ector County, contact a Property & Casualty (P&C) insurance agent licensed in the state of Texas.

Ector County Health

Ector County is rated below average in terms of residents with health insurance in the entire state, and is considered the worst among its neighbors. An estimated 22% of Ector County's residents are still uninsured or underinsured, which is slightly above the Texas average of 21% (2021). Among its neighboring counties, Midland County shows the lowest uninsured rate of about 18%, and Ector County, on the other hand, reports the highest.

Nearly 3 in 10 of the adult population in Ector County suffer certain health problems. Around 32% of adults are physically inactive, which contributes to a prevalence of obesity rate of 37%. This is much higher than the average obesity rate in Texas (closer to 31%). When comparing Ector County to its neighboring counties, Ward County ranks at the top, with a 38% obesity rate, while Crane County reports the lowest of around 20%.

Ector County has at least 2 available health insurers that offer affordable pricing and frequently subsidized ACA health insurance, on and off the Texas marketplace.

Health Insurance Analysis:

  1. Health insurance is the most important insurance anyone should obtain, and around 34 thousand Ector County residents do not have it.

  2. It is possible to acquire various types of health insurance products in Texas, which makes it easier for people to get insured. The types of health insurance available in Texas include: Short-term insurance, Hospital Indemnity, Marketplace ACA health insurance, Accident & Health, etc.

  3. Health insurance can be unaffordable to low-income consumers. If you find yourself in this situation, apply for government subsidies that can help lower the cost of insurance.

For assistance and advice regarding health insurance in Ector County, contact a health insurance agent licensed in the state of Texas.

Mortality and the End of Life in Ector County

The average life expectancy in Ector County is 74.9 years old, which is lower than the Texas average of nearly 79 years old. In comparison to its neighbors, Midland County records the highest life span of almost 79 years old, and the lowest goes to Winkler County, with an average life expectancy of barely over 73 years old.

In 2022, Ector County had over 16,000 senior (65 and older) residents.

Life Insurance Facts:

  1. According to a survey conducted in 2021, 48% of U.S citizens did not have life insurance coverage of any type.

  2. Life insurance premiums depend on the age of the insured, so it is best to obtain a life insurance premium at a younger age in order to save up more in premiums over the course of the policy period.

Motor Vehicle Fatalities in Ector County

Ector County's driving mortality rate is an estimated 33 crash deaths per 100,000 vehicles, which accounts for about 44 fatal crashes per year.

According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDoT) in 2020, Ector County has recorded 3,752 total crashes, with 51 of them resulting in death. Alcohol is the leading cause of nearly 36% of all driving fatalities in Ector County.

Final Expenses – Ector County Funeral Home Cost

The average funeral cost in Ector County is $6,700, which is higher than the state-average of $6,200. Among the neighbors: Crane County shows the highest funeral cost of roughly $7,600, and Ector County, on the other hand, seems to offer the most affordable funeral service.

Life Insurance Analysis:

  1. 46% of Americans die with life savings of less than $10,000, which can place the burden of the funeral costs on their family’s shoulders.

  2. Along with the funeral expenses, the deceased may have other debts and taxes left unpaid for the family to take care of.

  3. Term Life Insurance and Final Expenses are two of the most commonly utilized life insurance types that cover "final expenses" of less than $50,000.

  4. Term Life Insurance and cash value life insurance, such as Whole Life, Indexed Universal Live (IUL), or Final Expense (FE) Insurance can be all used for the purpose of leaving money behind to the family of the deceased.

For assistance and advice regarding life insurance policies in Ector County, contact a life insurance agent licensed in the state of Texas.